Unlocking Your Homes Potential Replace Your HARP Loan with FMERR and Other Smart Refinancing Options

HARP replacement refi

The Freddie Mac Enhanced Relief Refinance (FMERR) program and Fannie Mae High Loan-to-Value Refinance are options for those who owe more than 97% of their home’s value.

Discover how you can break free from being underwater on your mortgage and explore the benefits of refinancing with the Freddie Mac Enhanced Relief Refinance (FMERR) and Fannie Mae High Loan-to-Value Refinance programs. Find out if you qualify for these life-changing options that allow you to refinance even if your home’s value is less than what you owe.

NOTE: As of 2021, both the Freddie Mac Enhanced Relief Refinance, or FMERR, and the Fannie Mae High Loan-to-Value Ratio Refinance Option have been paused. You may want to look into Freddie Mac Refi Possible and Fannie Mae RefiNow, both of which allow for high loan-to-value ratios.

You may be able to refinance your mortgage, even if you owe more than your home is worth, using one of two programs:

  • Freddie Mac Enhanced Relief Refinance, also known as FMERR, the ERR program, the FMERR program and the FMERR relief program.

  • Fannie Mae High Loan-to-Value Refinance Option.

Both refinance options are for homeowners who don’t qualify for standard refi programs because they owe more than 97% of the value of their homes. The Fannie and Freddie programs replace HARP, the Home Affordable Refinance Program that operated from 2009 to 2018.

» MORE: Refinance options for lower-income homeowners

Why you should consider HARP replacement options

Like HARP, the new refinance options can decrease the term or interest rate on your existing loan, as well as reduce your overall monthly principal or interest payments. These benefits may free up space in your monthly budget to meet other financial obligations.

» MORE: Browse the best mortgage refinance lenders

High-LTV refinance program eligibility

To be eligible, you must:

  • Have a loan owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, with a note date on or after Oct. 1, 2017. You can check whether youre eligible by visiting Fannie Mae’s lookup tool or Freddie Mac’s lookup tool.

  • Owe more than 97% of the home’s value, if it’s a single-family home and it’s your primary residence.

  • Not have made a late payment within the past six months.

  • Not have missed more than one payment within the previous 12 months.

  • Have stable and predictable income.

  • Receive at least one of the following benefits from the refinance: a reduction in the monthly principal and interest payment, a lower interest rate, a shorter amortization term, or a more stable loan product (switching from an adjustable-rate mortgage to a fixed loan, for example).

» MORE: Mortgage modifications: what you need to know

Advantages of applying for a high-LTV refinance

These new loans have several advantages over a traditional refinance. For typical borrowers, they:

  • Don’t require a minimum credit score.

  • Don’t mandate a maximum debt-to-income or loan-to-value ratio limit for fixed-rate loans.

  • Often don’t require an appraisal.

  • Have a streamlined application and documentation process.

How to get help

If you want to refinance but traditional lenders have turned you away, ask Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac if you qualify for one of these HARP replacement programs. And contact your current lender as soon as possible to explore mortgage relief options.

» MORE: What to do if you can’t pay your mortgage

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HARP replacement refi

HARP replacement refi

HARP replacement refi