Unraveling the Mystery Behind Tesco Bank’s Recent Online and Mobile Banking Outage


Discover the secrets behind Tesco Banks recent online and mobile banking outage, which left 56 million customers unable to access their accounts for four hours. Delve into how Tesco Bank navigated payment transactions during this disruption and uncover the causes, consequences, and resolution of this incident. Join us to learn about the impact of the outage on both Tesco Bank and its dedicated customers.

Dive into the details of Tesco Bank’s recent outage that affected a staggering 5.6 million customers, hindering their access to online and mobile banking platforms. Explore how Tesco Bank skillfully managed payment transactions amidst the disruption. Join us as we uncover the causes, consequences, and resolution of this incident, shedding light on its impact on both Tesco Bank and its loyal customers.

Tesco Banks online and mobile banking services crashed yesterday, locking out 5.6 million customers for four hours in the middle of the day.

Unlike the TSB outage in April, where customers couldnt access their money for almost two weeks, Tesco Bank customers could still make payments with their cards, and use cash machines and telephone banking.

In a statement, Tesco Bank said: We apologise to customers who were unable to access online and mobile banking earlier today. These services are now working as normal and we would like to thank customers for their patience.

A spokesperson for the bank, which is owned by the supermarket chain, said the outage was caused by a technical issue and not a cyber attack, but didnt provide any more details.

Its been a bad few weeks for financial IT systems in the UK: first TSB, then a massive Visa outage on Friday that prevented credit card and debit card users from making payments across Europe, and now Tesco Bank.

TSBs technical problems are still ongoing and their boss, Paul Pester, is facing down criticism from both the FCA and MPs this week. MPs have also demanded more information from Visa Europe chief Charlotte Hogg.

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Thanks to Source: https://www.bankrate.com/current-accounts/tesco-bank-suffers-major-online-and-mobile-banking-outage


Tesco Bank’s recent online and mobile banking outage

Tesco Bank’s recent online and mobile banking outage

Tesco Bank’s recent online and mobile banking outage